Earlier years and salvation: I was born at Chinhacanine (Mozambique) on the 18th of December 1988, just 7 days before Christmas Day. To please my parents, I attended church and was baptized at the age of 15. But, only 8 years later, while living and working as a hairdresser in SA, did I meet with the Lord Jesus and began walking with him. That was in the year 2011. (Read more below under, “Daniel’s testimony of salvation”)
Marriage: I met Letina in Mozambique, here at Chinhacanine in 2010 and we got married that same year. Neither of us knew the Lord at that stage. It was only after my own conversion and return to Mozambique that I led her to the Lord as she will explain.
Joining Rivoni: My journey with Rivoni started in 2015. A supporter of the Mission, called Fanie, came here to do some work on the buildings. He engaged me to assist him. At that stage Br Baloi was the Assistent Director. He told me of their need of an office assistent. I saw that as the Lord’s call and was accepted into the Mission in 1915.

I grew up and attended school at Phumbe, a small village nearby the Limpopo river on the way north towards Mabalane. But it was at Chokwe that I first met Daniel, my present husband. I was very young and we did not know the Lord. It was only after he got saved that he explained the Way of salvation to me.
In 2013 God blessed us with a child, a boy. Then, however, my breasts developed some sores so that I could no longer feed him myself. This continued for some time. Then my husband told me we would have to fast and pray for 3 days for my healing. It was very difficult for me because I never did fasting of more than one day. As we did that fasting, at the end of it, I got my healing. Up to this day all my babies enjoy my breast milk without any problem. It was by that experience that I got to know that God is powerful and worthy to be trusted. After that, during 2011, I got baptized. That is my testimony.

In SA the husband regularly cuts the lawn but in Mozambique the wife sweeps the yard. She also bakes what could be called “Mozambican Doughnuts” and sells them at a local stall. However, with four children aged one to ten to attend to, Daniel sometimes relieves her from this duty. Such a stall is of course also an ideal market place contact point for spreading the Gospel and recruiting new students for the discipleship classes.
I was born at Chinhacanine (Mozambique) on the 18th of December 1988, just 7 days before Christmas Day. To please my parents, I attended church and was baptized at the age of 15. But, only 8 years later, while living in SA, did I meet with the Lord Jesus and began walking with him. That was in the year 2011.
My experience of getting to know Him, was very special. It happened that while in South Africa, I started gambling (for pleasure). Remember, at that time, I was not going to church. I gambled from January until November 2011. I was not successful and lost all the money the Lord had trusted me with. I was completely destroyed, shattered and depressed. When December came in 2011, I wanted to go home just like others but I could not, I had wasted all my money on gambling.
I phoned my mother and told her everything that was happening. I remember very well what she told me. She said: “You have to fast and pray to get out of that situation, if not, your life will completely be destroyed”. I listened to her carefully.
It so happened that on the same day that I called my mother, there was a boy who was regularly going to church in the place where I was staying. The boy was listening to a preacher on a cellphone and it happened that I said to him, “Lend me your phone,” which he did. When I listened to that preacher it was like the preacher knows me, knows exactly what was going on in my life. I cried rivers of tears that night, the message was very personal and I knew that it could be God talking to me. He saw my suffering. The name of the preacher was Sibusiso Zikhali from Richard’s Bay, KwaZulu Natal, if I am correct. The title of the sermon was like: “It is not over with you until God says it’s over”. He was preaching from the book of Philippians, chapter 4, talking about the story of Paul. He went on to say that even though Paul was in jail, God was revealing things to him. People thought it was over with him, but while in jail, God was revealing things to him.
When I heard the preacher I could not hold back my tears. That same night, while sleeping, in a dream I was shown the book of Luke chapter 16. In the morning I borrowed a Bible from that boy and he helped me with it. When I read the Bible everything was pointing to me. Luke16:13 really finished me: No servant can love two masters he will hate one and love the other. No one can love both God and money. I knew that it was the Lord. I knew that He was calling me. So I fasted as my mother instructed me. I went to the bush alone.
Then I started looking for a church and found one in Vosloorust ext.28. It was there where I was taught the things of the Spirit. I experienced the Love and the Fire of God each and every day. I started reading books of Smith Wiglesworth. They encouraged me to seek more of God.
Unfortunately I could not stay longer in South Africa, because the Lord was calling me home to preach the Gospel. The following year (2012) I went back home. That is my testimony in short on how I came to know the Lord. A lot has happened after coming home to preach the Good News. Up until today I still have the love of my Father and his fire is burning in me.